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Boolean Editor

Table of contents
  1. Configuration
  2. Configuration in UI
  3. Event handler
    1. onFocuse()
    2. onChange()


Property name Default value Annotation
controlType checkbox defines the boolean editor control type, allowed values are checkbox, slider and radio
customValue false if set to true, custom value can be used to represent the boolean value (true or false)
enabledIndeterminated false if set to true, the boolean editor has 3 (true, false, indeterminated) states instead of 2 (true, false)
falseText undefined used to represent the true value, only takes effect if customValue is set to true
radioButtonLayout row defines the radio button layout direction, allowed values are row and column
readiobuttonSpace 20 defines the space in pixel between radio buttons
textAlign after defines the position of the label for checkbox / slider / radio button. allowed values are before and after
trueText “true” defines which text should be displayed if attribute value is true, only takes effect if controlType is set to radio
falseText “false” defines which text should be displayed if attribute value is false, only takes effect if controlType is set to radio

Configuration in UI


Event handler


Triggered if the boolean editor get focus


Triggered if the value of the boolean editor has been changed