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Structure View

Table of contents
  1. Customise structure view
  2. Properties
  3. structureViewAttributeStyles

Customise structure view



Key Type Default Description
structureViewInitQuery string /ocgOrgUnit[not(ocgParentRef=/ocgOrgUnit)] xpath query to find the root elements
structureViewChildrenQuery string /ocgOrgUnit[ocgParentRef=’%ParentID%’] xpath query to find the children elements, use %ParentID% as placeholder for the object id of the parent element
structureViewSort string[] [“DisplayName:asc”] sort definition in format :, available sort orders are: <ul><li>asc / ascending</li><li>desc / descending</li></ul>
structureViewPageSize string 50 defines the max. displayed children elements under a parent element


A list of definitions to style the structure view element under a certain condition. If multiple conditions should be applied, the later one will overwrite the former.

Key Type Default Description
attribute string   attribute used to define the condition
value boolean | string   value used to evaluate whether the condition is true
icon string   material icon to show if the style should apply
color string   colour to show if the condition style apply
tip string   tooltip to show if the condition style apply