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Separator Editor

Table of contents
  1. Configuration
  2. Configuration in UI
  3. Event handler


Property name Default value Annotation
attributeToShow undefined any attribute can be displayed inside the Separator-Editor
backgroundColor lightblue Color picker
borderColor black Color picker
borderRadius 0 Radius defining the rounding of the border edges
borderStyle none Allowed values: dashed, dotted, double, groove, inset, none, outset, ridge, solid
borderWidth 0 Width of the border around the Separator
color black Color picker
fontSize 16 Specifies the CSS-FontSize [pt] to be applied to the text displayed in the Separator
height 26 Specifies the height for the Separator
icon undefined Integration of a Google Material Font icon possible
paddingBottom 0 The CSS-Padding (0 - n) downwards to be used for the Separator
paddingTop 0 The CSS-Padding (0 - n) upwards to be used for the Separator
query undefined Elements can be queried from MIM Portal using this XPath-Query in order to retrieve one to N result objects.
separator ’;’ Only applicable if Data mode is set to Query.
spaceBottom 0 The CSS-Padding (0 - n) downwards to be used for the displayed text in the Separator
spaceLeft 0 The CSS-Padding (0 - n) to the left side to be used for the displayed text in the Separator
spaceRight 0 The CSS-Padding (0 - n) to the right side to be used for the displayed text in the Separator
spaceTop 0 The CSS-Padding (0 - n) upwards to be used for the displayed text in the Separator
text undefined Any text that gets displayed inside the Separator
textAlign start Can be either Start, Center or End to specify the text align for this Separator
textMode text Allowed Values: text or query
toolTip undefined Text value that gets displayed when hovering over the separator editor
verticalAlign center Allowed values: start - Text on the top edge; center - Text is centred; end - Text on the lower edge

Configuration in UI



Event handler