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General Editor Settings

Table of contents
  1. General editor configurations
  2. Configuration in UI
    1. General tab
    2. Display tab
  3. Inputs (Properties)
    1. config
    2. editorAttribute
    3. configMode
    4. creationMode
    5. viewMode
    6. currentID
    7. currentType
    8. currentResource
    9. parameters
  4. Outputs (events)
    1. configChange
    2. change
  5. Methods
    1. value()
    2. initComponent()
    3. configure()
    4. applyConfig()
    5. validateValue()
    6. setDisplay(usedFor: string = null, optionValue: boolean = null)
    7. setError(hasError: boolean, errorMessage?: string)
  6. Implementations
    1. Validator
    2. ControlValueAccessor

General editor configurations

Property name Default value Annotation
accessAllowed empty array list of sets / xpath templates, whose member is allowed to access the editor, has lower priority to accessDenied
accessDenied empty array list of sets / xpath templates, whose member is denied to access the editor, has lower priority to accessExpression
accessExpression undefined javascript expression to define the access, returns true for allowed access and false for denied access
accessUsedFor visibility defines which kind of access the options accessAllowed, accessDenied and accessExpression apply for, can be switched between visibility and editability,
attributeName undefined the system name of the attribute whoes value should be represented
customDescription undefined custom description, which can overwrite the attribute description from schema
customDisplayName undefined custom display name, which can overwrite the attribute display name from schema
editMode false set to true to enable the edit mode
errorMsg undefined reserved for showing error message, if the editor has error
expression undefined javascript to define the attribute value dynamically
hasError false indicate if the editor has error
hideFromDOM false if set to true, hidden editors are removed from DOM, otherwise they still stay in the page and are accessible
hideIfNoAccess true if set to true, editors with no read access will be hidden automatically
initExpression undefined defines initial value of an editor, can be lookups (ex. [#DisplayName]) or javascript expression
readOnly false this setting can overwrite (only if set to true) the setting from schema
required false this setting can overwrite (only if set to true) the setting from schema
showDescription true shows description in the editor
showDisplayName true shows display name in the editor
showTooltip true shows system name as tooltip in the editor
units 12 represent the wide of the editor, divided in 12 units, setting the value to 12 means to use the whole wide
validation undefined regular expression, which defines how attribute value can be validated. if there is already validation definition from schema, the definition will be loaded automatically

Configuration in UI

General tab


Display tab


Inputs (Properties)


Type: EditorConfig

The configuration object for the editor. It includes all the introduced entries in General editor configurations


Type: AttributeResource

The attribute to be shown in the editor. It includes all the attribute details defined as,

export class AttributeResource {
  description?: string;
  displayName?: string;
  multivalued?: boolean;
  required?: boolean;
  stringRegex?: string;
  integerMinimum?: number;
  integerMaximum?: number;
  systemName?: string;
  dataType?: string;
  permissionHint?: string;
  value?: any;
  values?: any[];
  readonly?: boolean;
  isinternal?: boolean;
  multivalueReferenceOptions?: string;
  xPathPersistenceOptions?: string;

  constructor() {
    this.description = null;
    this.displayName = null;
    this.multivalued = false;
    this.required = false;
    this.stringRegex = null;
    this.integerMaximum = null;
    this.integerMinimum = null;
    this.systemName = null;
    this.dataType = 'string';
    this.permissionHint = '';
    this.value = '';
    this.values = [];
    // idabus only properties
    this.readonly = false;
    this.isinternal = false;
    this.multivalueReferenceOptions = null;
    this.xPathPersistenceOptions = null;


Type: boolean

Indicate configuration mode


Type: boolean

Indicate creation mode


Type: string

Indicate view mode, allowed values are tab or widget


Type: string

The object id of the resource object


Type: string

The object type of the resource object


Type: Resource

The resource object


Type: { [name: string]: string } (dictionary)

Additional parameters can be passed to the editor

Outputs (events)


Will be triggered when the config property has been changed


Will be triggered when the attribute value has been changed



Defines how to get and set editor value


Used to initialise the editor component. Can be called in ngOnInit or ngAfterViewInit. Refer to Angular lifecycle hooks to view the details.

Typical jobs can be done here are,

  • define validation function
  • backup the editor configuration for undo


Used to bring up the configuration popup and apply the configuration submitted by the popup


Used to fore the editor to apply its configuration


Used to force the editor to validate its value

setDisplay(usedFor: string = null, optionValue: boolean = null)

Used to set display option for visibility or editability

setError(hasError: boolean, errorMessage?: string)

Used to set error state and message on the editor


