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Identities Editor

Table of contents
  1. Configuration
  2. Configuration in UI
  3. Event handler
    1. onImoprtData()
    2. onExportData()
    3. onExportToClipboard()
    4. onDoubleClick()
    5. onAddIdentities()
    6. onRemoveIdentities()
    7. onRemoveAll()


Property name Default value Annotation
addMemberConfirmation true If enabled a confirmation dialog is presented to the user before adding/removing items to/from this list.
allowUnsort true if set to false, the displayed elements are unsorted
cellPadding 4 The CSS-Padding (0 - n) to be used for the Identity-List
checkboxSelectOnly true if set to true we can select only by clicking on checkbox. This option is not configurable in the UI
columns field: ‘DisplayName’, width: null, sortable: true, Selectable which attributes are to be displayed, in which width and whether they are should be sorted
dataExchangeAttribute undefined Specify an attribute for import/export functionality
dataExchangeCheckType true Checks if the editor of the exported data matches with the editor of the imported data and if the “Advanced”-tab is equally configured
dataExchangeLimit 500 The limit of exportable elements is set to 500 but can be adjusted
datetimeFormat undefined Allows to define custom display formats/notations for date/time values
defaultLinkAction undefined link action by clicking on any displayed identity
enableDataExchange false if set to true, it is possible to import data
enableRemoveAll false Allows all elements of the identity list to be deleted
exportAllPages false if set to true, the whole Identity List will be exported
exportAttributes DisplayName Specify any attributes which will be exported
exportHeader false If Export header is enabled headers will be exported to the clipboard as well as data using the specified Separator sequence
exportMaxCount 5000 Maximum number of elements that can be exported
exportSeparator ’|’ For the export, it is possible to specify the separator-char
exportState enabled: false, stateLocked: ‘locked’, stateUnlocked: ‘editable’, It is possible to specify which data is locked and which is editable via queries in the advanced tab. The result of these two queries is also visible when exporting, as the elements are marked whether they are locked or editable
exportToClipBoard false If Export to clipboard is enabled Export header and Separator can be specified
exportToExcel false If enabled the appropriate export function for results in this Identity-List will be displayed. All results including headers will be exported
exportToPDF false If enabled the appropriate export function for results in this Identity-List will be displayed. All results including headers will be exported
fontSize 12 The CSS-FontSize [pt] to be used for this Identity-List
fontWeight 300 The CSS-FontWeight (100 - 700) to be used for the Identity-List
idpConfig new IdentityEditorConfig() A new Editor within the Identity List is opened. In this case it is the Identity-Picker below the identity list.
idpConfig.isMultivalue true Specifies whether or not this text editor can store multiple values
idpConfig.objectType this.objectType Specifies the object type which ist displayed in the Identity Picker below the Identity List
linkActions Link Actions Defines the possible link actions after selecting an element
navigationKey undefined Defines where to navigate with the linkAction
objectType Person Specifies the object type as stored in MIM for items to be handled by this Identity-List
pageButton true If enabled the paging buttons (previous/next/page selection) are displayed at the bottom left of the Identity-List.
pageCountNumber 3 defines how many page numbers are displayed in the identity list before navigating through the list with the “Next” buttons
pageInfo true If enabled paging information like (1 –n /m) is displayed at the bottom right of the Identity-List
pageSize 5 shows how many objects can be displayed on one page
pageType numeric Allowed values: numeric and input
queryEditableItems undefined Elements can be queried from MIM Portal using this XPath-Query in order to retrieve one to N result objects
removeMemberConfirmation true To remove a member from the result list, you have to confirm your selction
resizable true Specifies, that the table is dynamically adjusted according to the elements that need to be displayed
resourceType Person Object Type which gets display in Identity List form
scrollHeight 0 In UI it is not editable.
scrollMode basic Allowed values: basic and virtual
selectable true if set to true, single elements of this list can be selected
selectBoxWidth 45 this value defines the width of the select box which is displayed before the name/first attribute of the element in the list
selectMode multiple If set to multiple it is possible to select more than one single element of the list. You can select several entries
sortable true if set to true, the display results are sorted alphabetically
sortMode single sortMode is hidden in UI Configuration of this editor. There are two sortModes - single and multiple. Single means that you can only sort by a single attribute and multiple means that you can sort by several attributes.
tableHeight 300 Specifies the height for this Identity-List

Configuration in UI

image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png

Event handler


Triggers if more elements are imported


Triggers if more elements are exported


Triggers if the functionality “Export to Clipboard” is used


Triggers if the value of the identity editor has been double-clicked


triggers if identities are added to the List


triggers if identities are removed from the List


triggers if all identities are removed from the List