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Resource Service

Table of contents
  1. checkCurrentViewSet
  2. showInfo
  3. clear
  4. buildConnectionString
  5. setService
  6. load
  7. getUserConfig
  8. getCurrentUser
  9. getNextGenWorkflowByID
  10. updateNextGenWorkflow
  11. importResourceFromFile
  12. callApi
  13. getResourceByID
  14. getResourceSchema
  15. getResourceByQuery
  16. deleteResource
  17. deleteResourceByQuery
  18. createResource
  19. updateResource
  20. getResourceCount
  21. resourceExists
  22. addResourceValue
  23. removeResourceValue
  24. approve
  25. lookup
  26. getTypes
  27. getType
  28. getAttribute
  29. xpathToJson
  30. jsonToXPath
  31. getEventHistory
  32. searchEvents
  33. getResourceHistory
  34. getDeletedHistory
  35. getRootEvent
  36. getPathEvents
  37. getEvent
  38. getRecentEvents
  39. getChildEvents
  40. getAttributeDisplayName
  41. loginUserIsAdmin
  42. getNextPage
  43. refreshPagingTokens


Description: checks if current view is admin view Parameters: -


Description: shows current version of UI and Data Service Parameters: -


Description: clears logedInUser attributtes authNMode, encryptionKey, secret, loginUserAttributes, version, baseUrl, language, connUser, user, connection and token Parameters: -


Description: builds connection string from passed parameters Parameters:

  • userName: string
  • password: string
  • domain? : string
  • baseAddress?: string

Remark: If no domain or base address are passed domain from config and base address ‘//localhost:5725 ‘ are going to be used


Description: sets connection information to information of the authnticated user Parameters:

  • info: AuthUser


Description: opens a dialog customized wiht parameters Parameters:

  • conn?: string - connection string

Remark: If no connection is passed windows authentication will be used


Description: checks if current view is admin view Parameters: -

Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: gets current User Parameters:

  • isAuth = false

Example: getCurrentUser(true) Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: gets workflow by Id Parameters:

  • id: string - workflow id

Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: updates workflow resource Parameters:

  • resource: Resource - resource of workflow that we want to update


Description: imports resources from file Parameters:

  • file: File - file from wich we want to import resource
  • objectTypes: string - type of objects we want to import
  • attributeBlacklist: string - attributes in file that should not be imported
  • objectReferencesToInclude: string - references to import (when not defined then no referenes imported)
  • simulationMode:boolean

Example: importResourceFromFile(file, exportTypes, ‘Creator’, ‘’, true) Remark: this function returns MatDialogRef


Description: calls data service api with parameters Parameters:

  • method: string - method name (put, post, delete..)
  • path: string - use path to build data service url
  • param?: any - parameters of http request
  • body?: any - body of http request
  • header?: any - headers of http request

Example: callApi(‘get’, ‘event/3c431bec-f576-4316-9adc-93b71bbbe430’, {slimFormat:’false’,}) Remark: this function returns MatDialogRef


Description: gets resource with given id Parameters:

  • id: string - ObjectID of the resource to fetch
  • attributes: string[] = [] - attributes of the resource to get
  • format = simple
  • culture = ‘en-US’
  • adminMode = false

Example: getResourceByID(objectID, [‘RequestParameter’, ‘Target’], ‘simple’, this.translate.currentCulture, ‘true’) Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: gets schema for specified type of resource Parameters:

  • typeName: string - parameter that specifies type of resource
  • culture = ‘en-US’

Example: getResourceSchema(‘Set’) Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: gets resources with the given query Parameters:

  • query: string - xpath query to search resources
  • attributes: string[] = [] - attributes to fetch, if not specified, only DisplayName will be fetched
  • pageSize = 0 - page size of the returned resources
  • index = 0 - starting index in the whole result queue
  • resolveRef = false - if set to true, reference attributes will be represented as object instead of guid
  • orderBy: string[] = [] - sorting attributes definition
  • adminMode = false

Example: getResourceByQuery(‘/Person[starts-with(DisplayName,’A’)]’, [‘ObjectID’]) Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: deletes the resource with the given id Parameters:

  • id: string - ObjectID of the resource to delete
  • adminMode = false
Remark: this function returns Observable<void HttpResponse>


Description: deletes the resource with the given query Parameters:

  • query: string - type of Modal(Error, Warning or Info)
Remark: this function returns Observable<void HttpResponse>


Description: creates the given resource Parameters:

  • resource: Resource - The resource to be created. ObjectType must exist as a property
  • adminMode= false

Example: createResource({ DisplayName: Example’, ObjectType: ‘ocgAssignment’, ocgObjectType: ‘RoleAssignment’,ocgObjectScope: ‘person’) Remark: this function returns Observable<HttpResponse>


Description: updates the given resource Parameters:

  • resource: Resource - The resource to be updated. ObjectType must exist as a property
  • adminMode= false

Example: updateResource({ DisplayName: Example’, ObjectType: ‘ocgAssignment’, ocgObjectType: ‘RoleAssignment’,ocgObjectScope: ‘person’) Remark: this function returns Observable<HttpResponse>


Description: gets the total count of resource queried by the given query Parameters:

  • query: string - xpath query to search resources
  • adminMode = false

Example: getResourceCount(‘/Person[AccountName=’${sourceArray[pos]}’]’) Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: returns true/false if the queried resource exists Parameters:

  • query: string - xpath query to search resources

Example: resourceExists(‘/Person[AccountName=’${sourceArray[pos]}’]’) Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: adds values to a multivalued attribute of the resource with given id Parameters:

  • id: string - the ObjectID of the resource
  • attributeName: string - the multivalued attribute name
  • valuesToAdd: string[] = [] - the values to add, seperated with comma. Format: ,
  • adminMode = false

Example: addResourceValue(‘7fb2b853-24f0-4498-9534-4e10589723c4’,’ProxyAddressCollection’, [‘’,’’])


Description: removes values from a multivalued attribute of the resource with given id Parameters:

  • id: string - the ObjectID of the resource
  • attributeName: string - the multivalued attribute name
  • valuesToRemove: string[] = [] - the values to remove, seperated with comma. Format: ,
  • adminMode = false

Example: removeResourceValue(‘7fb2b853-24f0-4498-9534-4e10589723c4’,’ProxyAddressCollection’, [‘’,’’])


Description: approves or rejects an approval request Parameters:

  • id: string - the ObjectID of the request object
  • approve: boolean - true for approve, false for reject
  • reason: string - approve reason
  • adminMode = false

Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: resolve logedIn user and current date from query Parameters:

  • text: string - xpath query to resolve


Description: gets and caches the schema for the given culture Parameters:

  • culture: string - in which language the schema should be returned, Default value : en-US
  • adminMode = false

Remark: this function returns Observable<{ [id: string]: TypeResource }>


Description: gets and caches the schema with the given typeName and culture Parameters:

  • type: string - type name
  • culture: string - in which language the schema should be returned
  • adminMode = false

Example: getType(‘Group’, ‘en-US’) Remark: this function returns Observable<{ [id: string]: AttributeResource }>


Description: gets and caches the schema with the given typeName, attributeName and culture Parameters:

  • type: string - type name
  • culture: string - in which language the schema should be returned
  • adminMode = false

Example: getAttribute(‘Group’, ‘ocgObjectStatus’, ‘en-US’) Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: converts xpath to json Parameters:

  • xpath: string - xpath to convert

Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: converts json to xpath Parameters:

  • json: string - json to convert

Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: gets history for the event Parameters:

  • targetId: string - ID of the events
  • count: number - page size
  • startTime: string - start time for history time range
  • endTime: string - end time for history time range

Remark: this function returns Observable<Array>


Description: searches events with given options Parameters:

  • count: number - page size
  • options: { eventTypes?: string; statuses?: string; requestorId?: string; targetId?: string; workflowId?: string; triggerId?: string; startTimeMin?: string; startTimeMax?: string; } - options to search events

Remark: this function returns Observable<Array>


Description: gets history for the resource Parameters:

  • targetId: string - ObjectID of the resource
  • dateTime: string - time for history time range

Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: gets history for deleted object Parameters:

  • targetId: string - ObjectID of deleted resource

Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: opens a dialog customized wiht parameters Parameters:

  • eventId: string -

Example: show(ModalType.error, ‘key_error’, err.message) Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: opens a dialog customized wiht parameters Parameters:

  • eventId: string -

Example: show(ModalType.error, ‘key_error’, err.message) Remark: this function returns Observable<Array>


Description: gets event with id Parameters:

  • eventId: string - id of the event to get
  • includeChildEvents: boolean - true if we want to become child events
  • recursive: boolean
  • maxNumber: number = 30

Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: gets recent events orderd by creation time Parameters:

  • count: number - page size
  • eventTypes: string - type of events to get

Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: gets all child events of parent event Parameters:

  • parentId: string - id of parent event

Remark: this function returns Observable<Array>


Description: gets display name of the attribute from its name Parameters:

  • typeName: sting - type of resource whose schema is needed
  • attributeName: string - attribute name

Example: getAttributeDisplayName(‘Person’, ‘ocgObjectScope’) Remark: this function returns string


Description: checks if loged-in user is administrator Parameters: -

Remark: this function returns boolean


Description: gets next page results Parameters:

  • pagingToken: string
  • pageSize: number - number of the results in the page
  • path = ‘resources/search/continue’

Remark: this function returns Observable


Description: refreshes paging tokens Parameters:

  • tokens: string[] - list of tokens to refresh

Remark: this function returns Observable<string[]>