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Workflow Functions

Table of contents
  1. MIMWAL support
  2. Extended functions
    1. sequenceEqual(array1, array2): bool
    2. subsetEqual(array1, array2): bool
    3. setUnion(array1, …, arrayN): array
    4. setIntersection(array1, …, arrayN): array
    5. setDifference(array1, array2): array
    6. toJson(object): string
    7. fromJson(string): object
    8. toFriendlyString(object): string
    9. toHtmlTable(dictionary): string
    10. toComparisonHtmlTable(dictionary, dictionary): string
    11. getKeys(dictionary): array
    12. encrypt(plaintext, passphrase): string
    13. decrypt(ciphertext, passphrase): string

MIMWAL support

All MIMWAL functions are supported except the following functions,

  • CreateSqlParameter, CreateSqlParameter2, ExecuteSqlScalar, ExecuteSqlNonQuery
  • ParametersContain, ParametersList, ParametersTable
  • ParameterValue, ParameterValueAdded, ParameterValueRemoved

Extended functions

sequenceEqual(array1, array2): bool

Checks whether two lists are equal (incl. order)

subsetEqual(array1, array2): bool

Checks whether two lists are equal (ignore order)

setUnion(array1, …, arrayN): array

Creates the union of the input lists (0 to 10 items)

setIntersection(array1, …, arrayN): array

Creates the intersection of the input lists (0 to 10 items)

setDifference(array1, array2): array

Generates the quantity difference of two lists

toJson(object): string

Serialises the input object in JSON format

fromJson(string): object

Deserialises the JSON string as an object

toFriendlyString(object): string

Converts the object to a readable string

toHtmlTable(dictionary): string

Generates HTML text for a 2-column table (without “table” and “th” tags)

toComparisonHtmlTable(dictionary, dictionary): string

Generates HTML text for a 3-column comparison table (without “table” and “th” tags)

getKeys(dictionary): array

Returns the attributes of the object

encrypt(plaintext, passphrase): string

Symmetric encryption with auto salt

decrypt(ciphertext, passphrase): string

Symmetric decryption